Finally after months of waiting The Mentalist returned tonight to American television. It is a bittersweet premiere- fans of Jisbon finally have their ship canon, general fans are happy about seeing their show again but it is the last season. So many times series go on for too long so that by the time their finale airs it seems like respite relief. Not such for The Mentalist which has continued to have high quality while taking serious chances for the last six years. Fans could effectively have it go on for much longer but alas it would begin to lose something as well. So the show begins its last run still fresh, still wonderful and still enjoyable for cast and crew as well as fans. The Mentalist was always unique with it's deep storytelling and it ends unique as well. The majority of shows are never told ahead it is their final season and don't get a chance to write the ending they desire. The Mentalist...the people that make this show from best boy grip to Mr. Heller, gets to end it on its own terms. I, as a devoted fan, could not ask for anything more.
Ahead you will see spoilers galore for the first episode, Nothing But Blue Skies. I am only a fan of the show speaking my own thoughts and I sadly do not own anything involved with it.
Plot: Jane and Lisbon come back to detecting reality as they solve not one but two mysteries connected with an undercover FBI agent's murder.
Jeremy and Jane: the Old Parallels
One of the things I have always loved about The Mentalist was how the main case always could be related to Jane somehow. Even with a happy Jane it still does. Jeremy, the undercover FBI agent, suffered a horrible childhood trauma. He heard his best friend get kidnapped and the act still pains him to his present. He sleeps on the floor with a night light right beside him. Jane saw his wife and child's dead bodies and until he killed the man responsible for it slept on the floor with the smile face above him. Both men ended up helping others to thwart out their pain and probably their guilt. Jeremy meets up with his devil who like Red John isn't some horned monster but a regular, older man. The devil gets Jeremy which luckily didn't happen to Jane. Jeremy never had the chance to reach his peace, find his heart again, let go of the past. Jane though has been able to thanks to the death of the monster and letting himself be free to love again.
The Title Says It All
Normally the title's refer to the case at hand but this time it is all about the real major part of the episode- the love now allowed to be shown between Jane and Lisbon. The new couple is in the midst of the everything is wonderful and happy stage of a new relationship. Yes, they are almost sickening sweet. No one is yelling about socks on the floor or breaking the garbage disposal. They are both on their best behavior as well, unsure, trying to scope out the newness and how to relate to each other as more than friends. Blue skies don't stay forever so we know as viewers this will change. But it is fun now to watch them both have a chance to be happy.
We have seen Lisbon be sort of happy but never like this- she looks like she is her own Hallmark Valentine card. Jane we have never seen be truly happy and his happiness is just beaming as bright as Rudolph's nose on Christmas. The weight lifted off his shoulders has given him a new spring to his step. What a wondrous thing- a man that died spiritually with his family has now been brought to life enjoying the beauty of a regular day because he is finally free and so is his heart. In Every Rose Has a Thorn Jane stated that he wanted to be free from his past and now he has finally achieved that.
The ambiguity of the first Jisbon scene is classic Mentalist. Jane has his shirt untucked and Lisbon is planning on giving him a key- sounds like they are sleeping together. But he knocks on the door and she answers "Hey" like she wasn't expecting him. If he was doing a after sex coffee/tea run then wouldn't the comment be "That was quick" or something similar. But that is the greatness of the show- instead of telling us everything the show lets us come to our own conclusions. By the time you are done watching the episode you realize that it doesn't matter whether or not they were just doing the horizontal tango. The love the two share is evident and beautiful to reveal in.
We do know that Jane has been helping Lisbon move back into her house. Lisbon who took years to fully move into her apartment during the CBI reign is quicker at establishing roots now. Jane, who never likes to do manual work (see Blood Brothers among other eps) is eager to help here because this is a new Jane.
Yes, I would still like to see another kiss even if it is a peck on the cheek. We have seen enough kissing moments for Jane (Erika, Lorelei, the girl in Fugue in Red) and Lisbon (Mashburn, guy in Rose Colored Glasses, Pike) that it couldn't hurt to have one scene or two. These two are in love and people in love do kiss.
Getting Piked
Towards the end of the ep Marcus Pike shows up and asks Jane what he has to offer Lisbon. Poor Jane looks lost for a moment not sure what he can. Gee, the guy just started a relationship after 12 years give him a break. Of course Pike still doesn't get it- he thinks that Lisbon should be happy that he offered to marry her and give her a home. It is all about him. He is going to "save her". Didn't Lisbon tell Jane once she didn't need saving? She didn't. All she needs is to be loved by a man that says "we" and includes her in the decision making. This is what she gets with Patrick Jane. Jane is notoriously a liar and about what he wants. Well, not anymore for when Jane loves a woman he tells the truth always and makes decisions with her. Yes, Jane must have been a great husband no wonder he couldn't move on from losing his first true love.
Other Things:
- Baker and Tunney really did an amazing job because they had to play their characters that are like a second skin a whole new way. They made their love show even without physical contact. Talking can be hot with these two.
-Cho smiled twice.
-The swan is a nice nod to the Save the Mentalist campaign and a harking back to the pilot. Cho made the frog Jane gave Lisbon but now that frog got kissed and turned into a prince and she is like a swan renewed in beauty. Swans also mate for life.
-New addiction Vega easily fit in and Josie Loren plays her with a perfect amount of composure and hesitation.
- Lisbon's house has a white picket the old expression of what a perfect life should be.
-The vintage car ride- a perfect ending to the episode although if they are trying to hide the romance it doesn't quite work.
- Kim's letter to Lisbon was sweet and if the character had to leave a nice way to make her goodbye impactful.
Next Week:
-Lisbon gets to wear orange and the cuffs for once.