Monday, May 5, 2014

Keep the Cannolis: a Full Review of Il Tavolo Bianco

This review is full of spoilers so beware if you don't want to know what happened.  I do not work for the show nor own it nor am related to Robin Tunney.  I know, it is sad. 

Plot: Abbott arranges a sting, not a con, that makes it look like Jane is up for murder charges.  Cho and Abbott make a horrifying discovery that the girls are being used as organ donors.  As Lisbon continues her charade of happiness with Pike, Jane reaches a sad conclusion.

Jane Vs. Pike:
Pike is suppose to be seen as a good guy  but as I have stated before he is a master manipulator like Jane (use to be).  Look at how he acts in his episode.  Lisbon still hasn't decided about D.C. which  means her heart really isn't in it.  If he were Mr. Nice Guy he would realize that and tell her "Look why don't we try long distance, can you get Skype on your Blackberry?" But instead he continually asks what her decision is and then claims "no pressure, you got all the time you want."  Translation: I will keep persisting until you say yes.  Pike has Lisbon looking for an apartment for him so that she sees somewhere she wants to live.  He also can't seem to eat a meal without her anymore.  (Truly, does he ever work, he's always on their floor.)   When Pike told Jane that he hoped the case worked out that he did what any husband and father would do- he wasn't being nice.  He was reminding Jane of his lost, a lost he brought on himself, a lost that still haunts him and makes him fear getting fully involved with anyone.  Pike knows how to get to Jane.  He has his own RJ/Jane mouse game going on and this time the prize is Lisbon.  Pike chooses Casablanca, a movie where the female chooses between two men taking the boring, stable one over the bigger than life one she loves.  Pike trying to subtly make Lisbon think he is the better choice.  Pike clearly knows Jane loves Lisbon and she loves Jane thus why he is pushing for the move to D.C.  He wants to control Lisbon.  Look at how he answered her door!

Meanwhile Jane is trying to give Lisbon the space she always wanted.  He isn't conning her, manipulating her or the situation like he could.  No, he is giving her respect to make her own decision.  He is supporting her choice no matter how it effects him.  For Jane it is no longer about him anymore it is all about her.  She is the center of his world.  He loves her so much he is willing to let her go so that she can achieve "real" happiness. Jane is no longer that selfish man he once was.  Since 2.0 started he has talked to victims' families, been engaged at work, been kind in his cons, been honest with the cons, followed the boss's orders and now is saving killers' lives!    Jane was also apologetic to Lisbon in this episode, realizing that by not telling the truth even though he was under orders, he hurt her.  Lisbon can't take the lies, the con and Jane is suddenly trying to stop his very nature.  Damn, if that isn't love, I don't know what is.  Jane used his soft voice too when he realized Lisbon was upset with him.  Another little point in his corner.

Jane shows up very late at night at Lisbon's door to find Pike there.  The deflated smile on his face is heartbreaking.  He had special cannolis made for he and Lisbon to enjoy.  He wasn't just going to chat- that could have waited until the morning.  He was hoping to be brave and make a real romantic move. "I wouldn't seduce you over a meal that would be sophomoric of me." (Season 1, ep 2.)  There are tears in both their eyes at the end as Jane decides to let Lisbon choose what she wants out of life and as Lisbon watches him go.  They are both in love with each other but still not close to breaking the cons they are both in- thinking they would be better off without each other.

The Sting:
Three interesting developments with the sting.  First off Lisbon, who is Miss Goody Two Shoes tells the DA to go to hell because she will not incriminate Jane.  Lisbon showing how deep her love is for the man.  She may not agree with what he has done but she was very worried that he could go to jail. The next thing was Jane so easily speaking of McAllister.  Part of it is his bravado but I believe that the other part is that he really has let those demons go.  McAllister doesn't haunt him anymore, he's dead, the revenge gotten, the plan won.  It left him feeling more hollow than happy but his two years away enabled him to move on from it.    The third interesting development is that Jane would have been indicated.  Jane had to flee Lisbon, the country in order not to be in prison.  He risked jail to communicate with her.  Then joined the FBI and came back "home" in an effort to be with her again.  Now Jane can't leave the FBI for five years (I got a feeling since the Rigs/Van Pelt finale ep Abbott knows Jane was bluffing about the names).  He can't just up and move to D.C. to be close to, or fight for Lisbon.  He can't even visit.  He is going to completely lose her this time as if she died for he can no longer see her.

Other Things:
-Abbott is quite the shipper!  He really wants Jane and Lisbon to get together as does Kim.  It is cool to see these new characters get up to speed quickly on the situation.

-Wiley was a case breaker!  He has been a great addition to the show and Joe Adler is forming a nice chemistry with both Tim and Simon.

-Cho about to cry?!  Human organ selling will do that to the iceman.  It is nice that even though there is so much going on  there is still time to further develop Cho and give Tim Kang something meaty to do.

-The restaurant scene with Jane and Lisbon....has there ever been such a hugely sexually charged moment between them?  Shippers can correct me but there was certainly a new intensity.  The eye sex was pretty mesmerizing.  Are we to assume that they tried each others food?  Seems like it.  I loved how they were both into ordering a high price bottle.  Lisbon clearly has more sexual chemistry and more fun around Jane. You can make yourself "love someone" but you can't make yourself fall in love.

-Simon Baker and Robin Tunney had to show a new whole side to Jane and Lisbon and their relationship in this episode and they did such a remarkable job.  They are such talented actors who use their faces to express so much.  With the amazing writing they elevate their scenes to a new level.

Next Week:
-the conclusion of the poor girls story

-Lisbon makes her decision

- Jane cries.  Lisbon cries.  We all cry.

1 comment:

  1. I really like your reviews. You seem to be paying attention and your observations reflect what I also felt when I watched the episode. I love the layers and how they deal with relationships all round. If it were to be straight forward with Jane and Lisbon, I would be disappointed. They seem to know each other so well, yet when it comes voicing their feelings or stepping up they are so shy and act as if they don't have a clue how the other really feels. Abbott and Wylie are definitely a good addition and I think that Fischer is finding her place too. Jane has changed so much since the re-boot, he has become considerate and kind to the people around him and when dealing with the victims. He is showing real compassion - great to see.
