Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Magnificant Seven

From the countless people Patrick Jane shook hands with we have come down to seven suspects.   Which could be Red John?  Really I have no clue.  They are all viable suspects.  I have listed here the pros of how the character could be the man who likes bloody smile face and  the cons (nope, couldn't be).  I am intrigued by who it will actually be and  love all the candidates in question because I honestly enjoy the actors' work.  

Gale Bertram

I have enjoyed Michael Gaston and his Bertram since he premiered on the season premiere in season 3.   As an audience member you are never quite sure if you should like Bertram or find him...different.  Gaston is a great actor who can inhabit any role.  From nice cop on Unforgettable to mesmerizing and terrifying  in the movie Runaway.  If you have never seen the movie I highly recommend it.   Gaston as RJ?  Whoa.  He would rock it.

Pro: He did shake hands with Jane.  He is intelligent and can be cunning.  He likes power and control.  Bertram has something secretive going on with Kirkland. 

Con: He wasn't winning at poker until Jane helped him with his tell. 

Bret Styles

Malcolm McDowell is Malcolm McDowell.  He is considered a highly respected and talented actor.   Can he be creepy?  For sure!  He would easily make a great Red John who viewers would somehow like.  He has accomplished that already with Styles. 

Pro: Styles could be a murderer (see how his former partner died).  We saw him almost convert Van Pelt to his thinking using the color red.  Visualize, his religious organization, has great influence, a lot of members and is connected to the gloved, painting one.  He knows things about RJ.  He helped Jane find Kristina.

Con: Age may play a factor. 

Brett Partridge

It would be kind of cool if an actor would appeared in the pilot was actually Red John.  Jack Potnick, who is excellent, could pull off the reveal.  The scientist versus the mentalist- ready to rumble.

Pro: Partridge is a ghoul, Jane never liked him, he knows how to cover his tracks given his job, he could break into the CBI computers, he fits the size requirement and detests Jane.

Con: Jane continues to school him on Red John cases.

Sheriff Tom McAllister

Xander Berkeley is one hell of an actor and he would give an interesting performance as RJ.  This choice seemed out of the blue but he was in a Bruno Heller written episode, the second of the series.  So he could be a real possibility. 

Pro: What was he trying to do with Van Pelt?  Help or....something else.  Neither Jane, Lisbon or Cho cared for him.  He fits the height and age requirement.  We didn't learn much about the character so the mystery could be the truth.

Con: Jane beat him at rock-paper-scissors.

Reede Smith

On first look Smith seemed to be an out from no where pick but maybe he is suppose to be.  Drew Powell played a killer on Hawaii 5-0 and boy can the man go from nice guy to menacing in an instant!  He could definitely give a Red John performance of a lifetime

Pro: We don't know much about the character, Reede does mean red, Smith is one fo the most common surnames as it may imply "I can be anyone" and the CBI team didn't care for him.

Con: Size per the second season finale.

Bob Kirkland

Everything about Bob screams- "I'm Red John!"  Which might be the reason he isn't.  Kevin Corrigan has been a master at playing all different roles his career.  He would totally own Red John if he is him.

Pro: The hair, hair color, the Bloody Mary, the voice, making his own Jane board, tracking Jane since the hospital, in bed with the FBI, "grew up in America", gives Jane and Lisbon the creeps.

Con: He seems like he is the man.

Ray Haffner

Reed Diamond always leads me to believe he is a nice guy and then twists the knife and becomes the killer effortlessly in all the guest star roles I have seen him in.  His RJ- nice guy...whoops no a serial killer living behind a mask.

Pro: Ray is a member of Visualize, he shook Jane's hands, Jane etc has had connect with him after being on his team, he tried to lure Lisbon away from Jane, he didn't answer Lisbon's question if he was ever on the farm, and he was a CBI member who loves surveillance.

Con: Was easily confused by Jane and Lisbon caught him in a lie.

So who is Red John?  How will they catch him?  Why did RJ start murdering?  Such exciting questions and situations up ahead for season 6 of The Mentalist.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Truth Behind the Award

Who doesn't like to win an award?  We all desire to be liked, to be appreciated, to be number 1.  But first you have to get nominated.  As in life it isn't always the most deserved that win.  There are all different factors that come into play.

The former soap opera, As the World Turns, won a Daytime Emmy for best soap in the late 90's.  A member of the Blue Ribbon panel that voted on the award revealed that he only saw two episodes of the show- the two that were sent to him on the screener.

Here's the truth-people vote for:

1.) names that they are familiar with

2.) names that have already won

3.) names associated with shows that have a buzz
4.) names from shows that they have seen at least one ep

These 4 factors are mainly made of shows that air on cable.  There are big, famous names, awards have already been received, there is a lot of buzz ( and awesome gifts along with the screeners) and the voters have seen an ep.

Does this make it fair for other shows especially network dramas?  But life isn't fair and he doesn't really exist Virginia.  Cable shows also have the luxury of producing 13-15 eps with on average 9 months to do it.  Compare that with a network drama that only has ten months to make 22-24 eps.  Cable can also be more daring filled with violence, swearing, nudity, shock value that network standards don't allow.  Cable has more leeway and showrunners have more creative control.  Comparing a cable show and it's actors to network television is apples and oranges.

So Simon Baker's nom the first season was what Emmy dreams are made of.  He did the impossible.  Do I think he should have been nominated again?  Yes, his nuanced performances in every scene in each ep are a vast display of his talent.  Talent that will hopefully beat the odds and one day get the Emmy or perhaps the Oscar.  Don't rule out Robin Tunney either-she is lucky in poker, one day maybe her talent will be rewarded (again).

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Death, Tokens and Patrick Jane

Today I went to a wake.  The husband of one of my co workers passed away after being sick for many years.  It was still sad.  Death is always sad even if it is a salamander you shouldn't have taken from a lake at age 7.  I hate wakes (I think everyone does if there is something who does well...I probably don't have you as a Twitter friend).  I always feel like a chump saying "I'm so sorry for your loss."  Like that solves anything.  It is like putting a band aid on an open heart surgery patient.  Of course it is better the woman in front of me in line who remarked: "Boy, he looks great!"  Eye roll to the heavens forever, lady.

What does this have to do with Patrick Jane?  I'm getting there, I promise, before the next shark falls on Santa Monica.  My grandmother lost the man she loved since she was a teenager.  She never took off her ring.  She would constantly look at it and think of "her Joe" and having that ring on her finger made her feel closer to him.  My mom's friend, on the other hand, removed her wedding ring after her husband was actually killed.  She couldn't look at it- it was a token of the lost she had endured because of a crazy ex.  She instead buried it with her spouse.

Jane still wears his wedding ring.  Yes, see I did spin this around to that handsome blonde. The question is does he wear it to remember his wife or to make himself remember what he did that caused her death?  I could see Jane keeping the ring on to give himself some make him feel that loss.  The shoes he wears seem to be old and maybe a token of that old life.  Maybe it makes him happy to wear shoes his wife picked out.  I, of course, am not Bruno Heller (I would be really cool if I was and a masterful writer).   So I can only offer conjecture and make a theory about what having the ring means to Jane.

When The Mentalist does end I will be the odd fan wondering if in that last Patrick Jane scene if he'll have his shoes, the suit and that ring.  And then of course I shall spend the next twenty years debating (maybe with myself if you guys learn to move on) what it all means.  I already know that my DVDs and Mentalist grab bag of items I will keep and look at fondly remembering the show, the people I met because of it, the people who made it and yes, I will smile.  It just won't be dripping with blood (I hope).

Thursday, July 11, 2013

I guess I should start off with why I am doing this...or maybe I should warn you that grammar is not my specialty.  The art of pencil twirling now that is my specialty.  But here I was tonight wanting to dabble on with incessant tweets about an old ep of The Mentalist.  I was left with a state of confusion (I know the zip code well).  Should I just start using my 140 characters or should I actually write it somewhere?  See then you could decide if you really wanted to read the ramblings of someone who should have went to bed an hour ago.  (Or read her run on sentences) Or you could just fix yourself a margarita. While you are fixing one for yourself fix one for me, too, thanks.

Tonight's old Mentalist reviewing was Red Brick and Ivy from the 1st season.  Dr. Sophie Miller calls for Jane's help and he readily gives it as a thank you for her 'saving him".  Upon looking it over after seeing Red Dawn a few weeks ago I was struck by a few things.

-Jane comes out of the mental hospital wearing the suit he wore the night he found his wife and daughter lying by that in-cursive red smile face.  It has the same color and sheen to it that rich fake physic Jane wore. The suit not the smile face.

-Sophie tells Jane that he can choose to die or live.  Which will later echo Lisbon's "I think you choose life" in Red John's Footsteps

-Sophie says that she is over controlling men who are damaged.  Thus hinting that there was something more going on between the good doc and the handsome blonde man.  Also interesting because Sean Barlow says in this year's finale that Lisbon is wary of Jane because of his secretiveness and controlling nature.  Lisbon herself is referred to as controlling by Jane at the very end of the ep.  If we step off the deep end a bit- is there suppose to be a parallel between Jane and Lisbon- the control freaks?  Jane chooses whatever path he can while Lisbon chooses the more "right" or "good" path. OR maybe it is late and I am looking for connections.

-Lisbon brings up that Jane's antics are hell for the state's attorney but that he still manages convictions.  A little nod to what will become more of an issue as the series goes on. 

-Jane makes the smile face.  Creepy especially how dead his own face looks.  At this point Red John has won and beaten Jane but Sophie gives him an out, a will to fight.  And then Jane meets Lisbon and finds a new home with this CBI posse. 

-Lisbon remarks that the suspect made the unforgivable sin- getting Jane to believe her lie thus tricking him.  This continues to be played at all through the series.  Like Red John, Jane doesn't like to be made a fool of.

Very interesting ep.

If you actually read this you deserve a cookie.  Sadly teleportation doesn't exist so...yeah you're screwed.  Sorry about that.