I guess I should start off with why I am doing this...or maybe I should warn you that grammar is not my specialty. The art of pencil twirling now that is my specialty. But here I was tonight wanting to dabble on with incessant tweets about an old ep of The Mentalist. I was left with a state of confusion (I know the zip code well). Should I just start using my 140 characters or should I actually write it somewhere? See then you could decide if you really wanted to read the ramblings of someone who should have went to bed an hour ago. (Or read her run on sentences) Or you could just fix yourself a margarita. While you are fixing one for yourself fix one for me, too, thanks.
Tonight's old Mentalist reviewing was Red Brick and Ivy from the 1st season. Dr. Sophie Miller calls for Jane's help and he readily gives it as a thank you for her 'saving him". Upon looking it over after seeing Red Dawn a few weeks ago I was struck by a few things.
-Jane comes out of the mental hospital wearing the suit he wore the night he found his wife and daughter lying by that in-cursive red smile face. It has the same color and sheen to it that rich fake physic Jane wore. The suit not the smile face.
-Sophie tells Jane that he can choose to die or live. Which will later echo Lisbon's "I think you choose life" in Red John's Footsteps.
-Sophie says that she is over controlling men who are damaged. Thus hinting that there was something more going on between the good doc and the handsome blonde man. Also interesting because Sean Barlow says in this year's finale that Lisbon is wary of Jane because of his secretiveness and controlling nature. Lisbon herself is referred to as controlling by Jane at the very end of the ep. If we step off the deep end a bit- is there suppose to be a parallel between Jane and Lisbon- the control freaks? Jane chooses whatever path he can while Lisbon chooses the more "right" or "good" path. OR maybe it is late and I am looking for connections.
-Lisbon brings up that Jane's antics are hell for the state's attorney but that he still manages convictions. A little nod to what will become more of an issue as the series goes on.
-Jane makes the smile face. Creepy especially how dead his own face looks. At this point Red John has won and beaten Jane but Sophie gives him an out, a will to fight. And then Jane meets Lisbon and finds a new home with this CBI posse.
-Lisbon remarks that the suspect made the unforgivable sin- getting Jane to believe her lie thus tricking him. This continues to be played at all through the series. Like Red John, Jane doesn't like to be made a fool of.
Very interesting ep.
If you actually read this you deserve a cookie. Sadly teleportation doesn't exist so...yeah you're screwed. Sorry about that.
To be honest, I'm trying to figure out what you wanna say. That Jane and Lisbon are similar characters? Or is it about similarities in general? Either I can't see it or you missed adding a conclusion. But there's always a throwback to things said or occurred earlier in the show's history, so... Help? ^^
ReplyDeleteI think I was trying to say ( it was over 12 hours ago so the brain has reset) that control and who has it is a theme in the series. It is something both lead characters deal with and in that case is a similarity. But what they do with that control is different. Jane will control a situation to get his desired result even if in the end he ends up hurting people. Lisbon on the other hand likes control but will not scarific hurting others if she can help it. Lisbon's control is more on the side of good while Jane walks the line between good and evil sometimes.
DeleteHopefully that makes more sense!