The 5th season finale of The Mentalist was excellent, of course. When is it ever not?! This ep was especially rich as it was in the hands of the show's creator, Bruno Heller. Red John's Rules accomplished many things but there are three parts I want to actually talk about. Let's call them 1.) Lorelei and the message, 2.) Jane's past, 3.) Jane and Lisbon breaking all the rules
Lorelei and the Message
I said this right after the finale aired- the way Lorelei is positioned in the chair reminds me of how Kristina Frye was found. There is a woman, sitting in a wooden chair, giving Jane a message from Red John. For Kristina it was a - "RJ loves you, you aren't allowed to date." Lorelei also gave a "Hey, look I, Red John, am better than you." Red John doing what he does best- playing games. When Kristina is found in The Blood on His Hands the room before features lights, a chair and a paintbrush. It makes me wonder if RJ wasn't planning some video tape message for Jane from Kristina but he was caught off guard. Perhaps Stiles turned against him and RJ found out. Now you ask- "Um, then why isn't Stiles sliced and diced?" Because RJ needs Stiles around as Stiles needs him. We, the audience, don't know said reason- yet.
So how did Red John know the seven names? He could have edited the footage- Lorelei could have read a list of 20 names. But Jane broke the disc so they won't ever know. RJ has already been established as being good with computers even breaking into the CBI instant messenger service in Red John's Friends. He could have the ability to do that. He could have bugged Jane's room or snuck in...all possibilities to find the list. He could have used Kirkland's info to piece together who Jane has narrowed the list down to.
Red John hasn't been killing for years. Why did he stop? Was what Carter was asserting at the mall, true? Did RJ want to retire with Jane in jail for his "murder"? Weirdly enough Carter makes illusions to getting a new face...which last year seemed a possibility with Kirkland.
RJ is planning for Jane's death but prepared for his own -"I won't stop until I catch you or you catch me." Chilling to say the least.
Jane's Past
We had bits or pieces of Jane's past in previous eps. Red Handed in season 1 was the first ep that said that Jane was form Carnie folk. The second season ep, Throwing Fire, showed how Jane's father used his learned ability to read a situation to make money to live and gamble. Jane had emotional abuse for years. He gave his father money and learned better that everyone is just a mark. Use them, move on. That was until Angela saved him. They left the carnie life but Jane became the showman. What did RJ become? A showman of murder. If you can't out fake physic the guy, then get press another more red way. Jane's growing up and Red John's assentation into evil seem like two boys on a parallel path. RJ is somehow connected to Jane's past. Some possible theories have included: RJ is Jane's half bro who lived with the mother, RJ is Kevin Barlow with surgery, and RJ was once on the carnie circuit with Jane. These could all be true...but I haven't gotten on the band wagon for any of them yet.
The only thing for certain is that either long ago or when Jane appeared on the talk show, Red John find his perfect mouse and everything he has done is leading Jane to what will happen in season 6.
Jane and Lisbon Breaking All the Rules
This episode was the biggest ep for Jane and Lisbon's relationship. It moved them into a new arena- trust. Lisbon asked for Jane's trust and he gave it. Not an easy thing for Jane to do especially when (although I love Lisbon) the woman is horrible at lying. But still he gave it and Lisbon seemed to really appreciate his faith in her. She in turn kept the conversations, traveling, information out of the loop of the CBI. She respected Jane's desire to talk to Pete without her and easily went along with the con plan. She also gave Roddy his baby without going through other channels. This was growth for both of them and a gain of getting closer.
Last year Jane and Lisbon became more like true partners and with season 5 that bond was established even more. Lisbon and the CBI are family now- Jane knows there is nothing he can do about it. Lisbon forgave Jane leaving for Vegas and breaking Lorelei out of jail. That was huge. In turn Jane put aside Red John to help Lisbon bring Volker to justice.
Like I said before I am not a shipper. Not because I am against it but because after getting my heart broken on other couples I try not to invest anymore. But it seems obvious, even to a non shipper , that we are suppose to see that Lisbon has feelings for Jane and Jane has feelings for her. Of course the scene with Sean Barlow saying that Lisbon "lies awake at night in bed thinking of Patrick"...yeah no one thinks of a platonic friend while in bed. It is written to make your mind go there. Then Barlow says "but he is so secretive and controlling." Which is the reason, Heller seems to imply, that Lisbon won't ever make a move to be with Jane. So what does Jane do? He doesn't sweep it under the rug like in season 4 when he pretends not to remember saying "love you". No, this time he confronts the subject head on admitting that Barlow is right and then deciding to tell her the 7 names even though he knows this might be a bad idea. Actually it could lose him Red John. But in that moment he chooses Lisbon over Red John which is a "lovely" moment. It isn't necessary romantic like Lisbon's moment with the Barlow quote though. While Lisbon has a reason to not get with Jane, Jane doesn't even allow himself to go there, to think about it. He has to get Red John. Fun, love, a true life- all that can wait if he lives after confronting the man.
I don't know of course but Jane showing Lisbon the DVD- I wonder if Red John thought that would happen. What an improvement in their relationship from season 2 where it ended with Jane outright lying to Lisbon and keeping the Tyger,Tyger quote to himself. My, how far the two of them have come. And now where do they go next?
Two weeks until he premiere!
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