Plot: Last we saw poor Lisbon she had found Brett Partridge saying "Tyger, Tyger" as he died and Red John was having fun drawing his trademark on her face. Jane finds himself with four mysteries- why Red John did not harm Lisbon, what the Red John suspects are doing hanging out with each other, why Sophie is not answering her phone, and who killed Titus Stone with a Drone.
It is About The Love:
This episode has at it's core the theme of love. There is Rigsby and Van Pelt trying to say what they want to each other but which they can't because of the rules. Rigsby is so happy when Cho agrees with him (bromance). Then there are the two big "couples" that parallel themselves.
Titus and Kris: Titus is in love with Kris enough to die so he can take the blame for the Drone failure so she won't have to. Everything he does is for her no matter how self sacrificing. He tries to change for her by even going on a diet. But Kris doesn't love him. Jane said it was easy to tell that Titus was in love with her.
Jane and Lisbon: Gosh if that was easy to tell if he could be a neutral party what would he think of the relationship between him and Lisbon? In the parallel comparison Lisbon acted like Titus in The Desert Rose being the great, noble warrior she is she was willing to die by the sword (literary) in order to save Jane- the one she loves. Loves makes you do crazy things and trying to protect those we love makes us teeter sometimes off the edge. Titus's love for Kris led to his suicide while Lisbon's love for Jane led her to being lured like the fly to the spider's trap.
Now this was a huge game changer for the relationship of Jane and Lisbon. I know people were upset that there wasn't a rescue/reunion scene but honestly I was more unnerved that Van Pelt didn't hug Lisbon when she returned to work. This is Grace, she always hugs Lisbon when she's been in mortal danger! But anyhow, I felt that that the scene displayed was so telling. First off Jane stays by Lisbon's side. He doesn't leave her until he knows she is actually okay. He doesn't leave her when there are clues to who Red John is in the house before him! He chooses Lisbon over Red John. That people, is huge. Whether you want to say romantic or platonic love it is all about Jane loving Lisbon. Not only that but when Lisbon awakes Jane tells her that she is okay, she is safe while stroking her hair. Now didn't he tell Charlotte that she was loved and safe all the time? Finally Jane actually has kept someone he cares about safe even though he doesn't know how. Jane doesn't get mad at Lisbon or go all "Told you so" , he forgives her immediately. Plus he is at his most serious, the most look we have ever had at the real Jane in that hospital scene. He lets the mask down for her. Of course the washing of the blood from her face is him trying to wipe away what Red John did to her but also because he can't look at it. It is too much of a reminder of what he has already lost and what he could lose again. Did Jane know how much he cared for Lisbon until that moment? Subconsciously he knew but there is a real realization that he is lying to himself that he doesn't need her.
Another huge thing- after Lisbon betrayed Jane's trust he still tells her every move he's making and has her listen in on Sophie's recordings. Plus he answered her phone calls. It is these little details that make this show so special.
Red John, Jane and Lisbon: Why did Red John keep Lisbon alive? He called her "Teresa" too on the phone which invokes a more personal connection. Stiles already told us in year 3 that RJ kind of loves Jane. If Red John kinda loved Lisbon, too it would explain why he kept her alive. He could still be hoping to turn her to his side or isn't ready to part with this figure of attraction. Lorelei resembled Lisbon and I thought at that time it was to lure Jane but now I am wondering if RJ chose Lorelei as a surrogate Lisbon. Titus, from the Drone attack, paid for hookers that resembled Kris. Parallels.
Ray, Jay and Roy:
If Red John is Ray Haffner it would make sense that he is love with Lisbon. Ray has clearly showed a soft spot for her since he was introduced. In this episode he was down right creepy with the Jimmy Crack Corn whistling, invading Lisbon's personal space and his last scene with that face- showing the monster within perhaps? It is interesting that RJ liked that name Roy which is just one vowel sound from Ray and then used Jay with Sophie Miller.
If Ray is RJ then Lisbon may have figured that out with her dream but doesn't know it- seeing Ray was the only one to slash her throat in it. Then that brings us to the other Red John suspects and what they could possibly be up to.
My 3 theories:
1. They are part of the Red John circle and work for him.
2. Working also with Kirkland as well (remember Kirkland and Bertram asked last year if Lisbon could be trusted) they are trying to do something noble concerning Red John or
3. Something sinister connected to a new storyline. (or maybe Red John)
Dinner is Ready Dr. Miller:
Ah, poor Sophie. The woman who saved Jane's life before he met Lisbon and crew, loses hers. Now why did Red John really want to meet her in person? I'm guessing he wanted to see who loved Jane and who Jane had loved . From Red Brick and Ivy it is pretty obvious that they shared feelings for each other. Red John feels threatened by those that know Jane so well. Red John's love for Jane will be his downfall because he is now thinking like someone crazy in love- not clearly. The chess match is going to start to be a losing battle for him. The hard part for Jane is that he is going to have to lose more in order to get peace. I believe that is why he doesn't get emotional over Sophie's death. He has to stay focused because there will be more, the time for grieving can come later.
Sophie had to be very smart to turn Jane from off the deep end to finding his footing again. So it was nice to hear that she had realized Red John was dark and strange. Her training helped her pick up on it. Oh and can I say that I was right that Red John got the memory from the good doc? Okay, stop pelting me with tomatoes.
Quick Extras:
- That car stunt was awesome!
- Lisbon is all Jane getting out of the hospital.
- Pigeons again! Hmmm they do represent peace, love and marriage. But I don't know a real mystery.
- Lisbon's Greatest Fear: the whole team gets killed by Red John. Jane's Greatest Fear- that Lisbon dies at Red John's hand.
- Lisbon telling a RJ suspect that RJ isn't that tough...whoa. Lisbon can't act but she is one tough cookie. Growing up in an abusive home has probably lessened her fear- she can't be hurt anymore than she has. Which might help lead to RJ's downfall.
Next Week:
- Weddings
- Sheriff McAllister gets his creep factor on
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