This post contains spoilers for The Greybar Hotel. I do not own the show nor make any profit from writing my thoughts down.
Plot: In order to stop a car ring Lisbon must gain the trust of a recent inmate by becoming one herself.
Liar, Liar Orange Pants on Fire:
In Blue Bird Lisbon tells Jane that he doesn't tell the truth anymore that he is so lost in all his lies that he doesn't know to be a regular person. In Graybar Hotel Lisbon tells the inmate that she was living a lie pretending not to be in love with Jane. Was Lisbon projecting her own problems on to Jane? Was she telling him off or herself? She admits now that she was in love with Jane for a long time but wouldn't say it out loud.
So in love are we two:
The love was clearly on display between their flirty phone call to the looks they gave each other when they both thought they were going to die. The phone covered also mentioned Jane lowering his guard. He told the truth on the plane and he was rewarded with Lisbon stopping the lie- and getting off the plane. She lowered thus her guard too and let him in. That was of course scary for them both and still is as Lisbon admits. She even still worries that he might leave. Miami seems Lisbon's little fantasy paradise where her greatest moment happened- she mentions that Patrick is in Florida.
How to Save a Life:
Back in season two (for another Jordan Harper) episode, Jane tells Lisbon that he will always save her whether she likes it or not. She says she doesn't need saving. Figuratively they saved each other in that plane moment and the pickle scene afterwards. There has been many of an occasion that Lisbon has to save damsel in distress Jane but this time he had to save her. It was a new Jane to the rescue as we have never quite seen him this scared before. He couldn't even do his usual smirky glances at guys with guns that he usually tries. The stakes were greater this time because he was in love again. He lost the first woman he loved but now he was able to reverse that and save Lisbon. The past is no longer haunting Jane. He has even broken the cycle.
Other Things:
-Abbott's wife has a DC job offer. Parallels to Lisbon and Jane perhaps?
-Jane we have seen in prison twice so it was neat to see Lisbon instead in there.
-This ep was soooo much better than my review is saying. I apologize, don't feel that good so brain is numb.
Next week:
The Return of Erika Flynn
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