Sunday, October 20, 2013

Quick Shots: Red Listed

My full analysis will be up tomorrow this is just some quick shots about the episode Red Listed that aired tonight.  If you have not seen it do not read this until you do!  Picture below is property of CBS/Warner Brothers.

-First off I have to commend Rebecca Cutter.  She wrote three of my favorite episodes these last two years and they all had great humor in them.  Her first Something is Rotten in Redmond was quite a hilarious delight, Days of Wine and Roses infused the humor of Jane wrecking havoc in rehab with Lisbon going against the creepy Volker and Red Velvet Cupcakes which through one of the funniest TM segments ever broke Rigsby and Van Pelt back together.  With Red Listed she had a real challenge of forgoing the humor and bringing suspense and some of the most bloody terror that has been on the show.   She created quite a masterpiece so a big bravo to her!  My own erk about the ep- the Rigsby/Van Pelt subplot.  Too unrealistic (no sex on your wedding night, come on, or days later.  Please people that children have sex.)  Plus if you want to show off Amanda's bod have it storyline related like undercover or something.

-Oh BOB.  Yes, my nickname for him.  Man of America.  Many times shows leave questions open but not tonight.  I got some answers I expected and some I didn't.  I never thought I would learn so much.  I truly enjoyed Kevin Corrigan and his Bob Kirkland.  RIP Bob.  He was the most charming, funny, creepy guy ever.

-Tyger, Tyger now all pieces are coming together and by golly it does make sense.  I'll go into this in more detail tomorrow but you can tell Bruno Heller really had TM planned from the get go.  I see where the "new" show is heading and dang it is going to be good.

-Did Jane just really want Hightower and Lisbon to save him?  Jane wanted to be the damsel again. He didn't seem too worried as if he had faith in their ability to find him, all he had to do was hold on long enough. her role in the show how has a bigger impact.  I will discus this more in tomorrow's analysis but Lisbon is the moral fiber of the show.  The only one who isn't corruptible.   The only one who is selfless.  The one who could have killed Volker for revenge and didn't.  I had always wondered if Heller had intended Lisbon to the wild card in this whole thing and it seems like I might be right.

I can't wait to discus this more with you but until then stay away from the cabins in the woods.

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