Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Mentalist- Save One Show

Ah, it is voting season again.  This time E Online is promising to use their influence to "save one show".  The fans have already got The Mentalist on the list but now we need to make sure it stays there.  That is the list to stay not evict.  The Mentalist is now in the top 15 of "savable" shows but with each round the competition gets fiercer.  If you would like to take part in the voting to try to help save the world's number one watched drama, you can vote at E.  There isn't a link up yet.

Here is a little graphic reminder of the times the voting begins provided by the lovely Tea (no, it is not just Jane's favorite drink anymore).

Now no one should feel compelled to vote, if you can't or don't want to that is your choice.  Will this save the show?  Who knows!  But it does let people know how much The Mentalist is liked by its fans (which is another award for the hard working staff of the show).   Why should you vote TM over another series you ask?  I will remove my fangirl love goggles for a moment and give you three fair, logical reasons the show deserves to be the one saved:

1.) The writing is more literature based and a character story instead of procedural.  The longer TM stays on network television the better for more cable style- well written, excellently produced, greatly acted shows to be housed on a network. 

2.) The show this season ended its major arc and recreated its world to even better Nielsen numbers.  Viewers haven't even seen it hit its stride more season will do that.  Plus shouldn't a show be rewarded for gaining viewers while other shows have been losing them?

3.)  The Mentalist has arguably one...okay the worst time slot on CBS and still manages even when at starting at 11 to have better ratings than shows in much better time slots.

So I don't know what you'll be doing tomorrow but I do know that I will be voting for The Mentalist.  I won't just be voting  because I love it but because it is quality entertainment that through no fault of its own has found itself on the chopping block. 


  1. Thanks ones again for the infos!!!U r the best Jordan!!Greetings from GREECE!!

  2. In the first round of voting - the vote showed at just under 14% and the final vote is about 12%. Why is that?

    I think the only way to have TM renewed is to watch it where it counts towards the ratings!

    1. The percentage is a part of a hundred. As more fans vote for their show to be saved the numbers change thus TM goes down when other people vote in large numbers for their show.

      This is mainly to show that we care about the show- the final call is up to CBS.

  3. When you watch it on CBS with the ads included, CBS is making money on the advertising, so that should count and make a difference. It's a shame but in TM's case. Would watching it on iPlayer count?

    1. Watching live, DVRing and watching before 4 days have passed, watching on CBS .com- these all help the ratings. If Iplayer is associated with CBS then it would count.

  4. How many times can we vote during a round ?
