Monday, December 2, 2013

Troubles in Paradise: A Review of My Blue Heaven

There are spoilers ahead for the episode My Blue Heaven so read at your own peril.  I do not own the picture below.

Jane is living in South America after killing Red John two years previously.  His little paradise is interrupted by members of the FBI who come calling with an intriguing offer.  Meanwhile the rest of the CBI crew has moved on with Cho in the FBI, the Rigsbys parents and head of their own company and Lisbon a small town sheriff.

The Shell Game:
I purposely used that picture of Abbott with Lisbon's seashell, a gift from Jane.  It was a nice symbol that Lisbon always has Jane with her along with her other memories from her old life.  On her desk is the baseball and her cup that was used at the CBI.   Lisbon, a proven horrible liar, actually does a great job of lying to Abbott, pretending that she doesn't care about Jane and hasn't heard from him.  She also is doing a better job at lying to herself telling everyone that life is good and she enjoys the new, quiet existence.

Lisbon has changed.  She actually owns property instead of renting.  Her house is kept neat and is large.  She has a fireplace and dinning room with a large table.  It seems all very adult from her sipping wine and actually having Rigsby and Van Pelt over as friends.  This is a stark contrast to CBI Lisbon whose apartment wasn't fully unpacked in Red Badge, wasn't neat in either that ep or in Little Red Book and had pictures up that the last tenants left.  Lisbon was never one to hang out with anyone.  She turned down drinks with the gang in Bloodstream and wasn't into hugging either (see Bloodstream, Strawberries and Cream and Ruddy Cheeks for examples).  Cho remarked in Bloodstream about her office- walls to keep her away from her team.  Now Lisbon wants to engage with Wayne and Grace.  She seemed sad that they had to leave early.  Lisbon grew up quick when her mother died but in someways she never got the chance to be the true adult- with a mortgage, family etc.  Now it seems Lisbon is ready for that.  In the two years since the CBI went bye bye and Jane left she had to redefine herself.  Lisbon has made a life for herself but still finds herself not happy.  A house, even good friends, can't always alone make someone happy.

She tells everyone that she is fine and everything is good but it is a Lisbon lie.  She is trying to make herself believe it.  Robin Tunney, who is a fantastic actress, always changes her tone when Lisbon is lying.  Watch past episodes and you shall see. Once again we hear that same tone as Lisbon talks to Abbott, the Rigsbys and even Jane.  She tells him she's not going to change her life just because he came back but she knows deep down she will.  Another change that has occurred is that Lisbon is a woman in love.

Lisbon has a history of running away from that feeling.  She left Greg shortly after their engagement.  She moved from being an inspector to being CBI because of the mutual feelings between her and Bosco.  She even made Mashburn a one night stand when he was offering a real relationship.  Even at this point Lisbon is scared of being too in love, too much with someone.  She likes to keep her distance since her mother died and protects her heart.  After the hug she pulls back a bit even from Jane.  But she won't be able to deny her feelings forever.  They were with her everyday and she likes them or else she wouldn't spend nights rereading Jane's gazillion love letters.

What's a Jane to do?:
Jane is also a changed person.  He has had time to really go through the stages of grief over losing Angela and Charlotte.  He can even mention that Angela is dead to a stranger.  He admits he is still working through some things and isn't quite ready yet to move on.  Jane is a nicer guy, friendly with the locals and trying to enjoy himself.  But he's missing something.  No, scratch that he's missing someone.

It is very telling that Jane is writing letters to Lisbon.  Not letters to the rest of the team, just to her.  He needs that communication with her even if it is just one sided.  He needs to imagine Lisbon reading them and smiling at him going native.  He simply needs Lisbon now.  She has become way too an important part of his life.  Instead of being scared of this, though, he embraces it by the end of the episode.

That is what love is all about:
Red John was Jane's addiction but now it is like he has a less bad addiction- Lisbon.  Jane's number one demand if he joins the FBI is to work with Lisbon.  Now he could have asked for the whole team to be assembled but he doesn't.  He asks just for Lisbon.  In Devil's Cherry his subconscious says that he is bored with solving crimes.  He had always planned to leave, he had only used the CBI to get Red John, in his mind.  But here he decides to give up freedom to go solve crimes for the CBI.  Yes, Lorelei, he's a little bit in love with her.  More like a lot in love.  Jane has a new goal in life- to be with Lisbon.  Now while they are not a making out couple (yet) it is definite love.  A more pure, true love.  He gets more out of hugging Lisbon (emotionally,  mentally, physically, sexuality, spirituality) than actual date like things with another woman. 

Now the question is does Jane love Lisbon romantically and does Lisbon love him back the same way?  This episode went out of its way to say yes.  In our society we equate kissing, touching, sex with love.  But those are merely functions of people (and they don't have to be in love).  What is real love?  Real love is Lisbon still wanting to be around Jane after he killed Red John and did numerous other things that go against her moral character.  She loves him warts and all.  Real love is leaving a country with no extradition policy (that is HUGE people) to go back to the United States where you risk your freedom and will have to be in servitude to the FBI just because you want to be with your girl.  (Yes, that was a run on but it needed to be.) Jane gave his life so that he could have a chance to be with Lisbon.  Now who does that for a friend?  No, you have to be crazy in love to do that.  Jane was so utterly happy to see Lisbon.  We have never seen him so happy.  Lisbon was also elated. She even bit her lip which is a sign of desire.  Their hug lasted long especially for non huggers.  It was whole bodies encased.  Jane even appeared almost ready to cry as he grabbed on to Lisbon as if she were a fleeting dream. Only together are Lisbon and Jane whole. Apart, they are people pretending to be happy and missing each other like crazy.

The Kim in the Mix:
So who is Agent Kim  Fischer?  I think she is going to be their boss, in charge of Abbott, Jane, Lisbon and Cho (I'm already calling them the Fantastic Four).   I also think she is someone who studied Patrick Jane.  Who saw what a great asset he could be to the FBI and felt bad that the man was in exile when his crime was killing his family's murderer.  After seeing so much during her career, Kim probably feels some sympathy for him.  Abbott is tasked with being the messenger to get Jane home, while Kim is suppose to provide him with the nudge.  She's like Sophie Miller and Madeline Hightower combined trying to wake up Jane to what he needs.  She knows that the key is Lisbon.  Jane has to want to be with Lisbon.  So she gives him a date which reminds him that even though he can try to move on his heart is already with someone else.  Golly Jane who can hold his liquor had to get drunk to act like a normal guy.

Jane tried to date because he is disappointed that Lisbon hasn't come looking for him.  He asks the mail lady every day if someone is looking for him.  She finds it sad.  He leaves breadcrumbs by sending the letters to his carnie friends and giving details about where he is.  He writes poetically about the paradise, telling her what she is missing and how he wishes she were there.  He wouldn't seduce her over a meal but he might with a letter. 

The date with Kim doesn't work.  Honestly she doesn't push any romance on him even when she could.  He has a look of shock and sadness of his face when he awakes.  Kim is nice and all but he can't make himself want her to be there.

The Moment of Clarity:

Kim's presence though serves as a reminder of what Jane could have but only if he returns home.  Then his world is shaken just like that shattered teacup- Hugo is killed by the drug dealer.  This becomes the straw that awakes Jane out of his paradise coma.  He devises a plan to get revenge for Hugo and makes a deal with Abbott to return home but Lisbon has got to be there.  He won't turn into Roger.  When Jane realizes what he wants he is joyful kissing the lady at the mail center, hugging Franklin, smiling- it is a fist pumping moment.  This is a sharp contrast to him finally getting his revenge on Red John.  That was a somber, not happy, moment. 

Now I don't believe for a moment that Jane doesn't have a plan up his sleeve and thus why he tells Lisbon to trust him.  This is Jane here, he figured out who RJ was from a few clues- he can come up with something.  Jane had lost his mojo at first so he probably didn't see that Kim was an agent.  But once Hugo was killed and Franklin whispered something to him...I think Jane wasn't that surprised to see Kim.  Look at his face with Kim comes out- it's the Jane con face, lose a little to gain something.  He is genuinely surprised and happy to see Cho. Look at his face in that moment- very different.

Other Things:
-Kudos to Simon Baker, the gifted actor and talented director for wonderful acting and direction, he continues to make mini masterpieces. Tom Szentgyorgyi wrote another brilliant ep that was such a change from a normal episode.  Jimmy Gadd had flawless editing that enhanced the movie quality.  Matt Gossen was hilarious as Henry and also provided the guitar tunes.  What a wonderful way to enter the new Mentalist world!

-Abbott with the hand sanitizer and the massive shipping of Jane and Lisbon...priceless.

-Chief Lisbon with the kids and then the lonely walk down the school hallway- Lisbon looked so small and not the force she once was in the FBI.  Loved the details of having reminders of her past life on her desk.

Next Week:
-Lisbon has a surprise for Jane

-I'm guessing Jane paints his own name  

-There is a mystery to solve 

-Oh and some awesome writer named Cerone takes the helm



  1. Great review, as always!
    You always able to add more layers to what is happening.
    I must disagree thou with your assumption that Jane dated Kim because he was disappointed that Lisbon did not came to him. Would he really want her through everything she is to be with him, and loosing the chance forever be a cop?
    I don't think so. That's why was important for him to not only hide his name in the letter, but he wants the charges dropped, not being on parole.
    He looks a bit sad and uncertain at Lisbon while Abbot names the charges against him, to see her reaction, but she did not blink. Was an important and telling moment.

    I think, next week's surprise will be Lisbon giving him a sign that she is interested in him romantically. The question is how they will proceed from there

  2. Someone linked part of this on Tumblr, and I had to come over here and say how BEAUTIFUL this writeup is! I mean, I was near tears! It's all so true too! It takes everything I saw in that ep and puts it into words I couldn't find! Amazing, dude! This is awesome!

    The only things I differ with you on is I think that Fisher probably works for Abbot, I saw her more as the bait? Or like the subordinate, the fingers that were sent out to canvas the island. (Lord knows, Abbot wouldn't... there's germs out there!)

    And also I don't think he went on the date with Fisher because he believed that Lisbon should have found him. (Although before this ep I had this hope she would!) I think he was stuck in this dream-like ennui on the island, and didn't know how to move on past Angela. He's long been over her, but now it's like, where do I start? This date was like a "practice date", it got him to realize he needs people, he needs a CERTAIN person.

    I think he asked every day at the post office if anyone was looking for him because he was making sure he wasn't being followed by the feds. Now this is just prudent, maybe it's even the only time he thinks about it anymore. Because he did NOT see Fisher as a possible fed, and it shocked the hell out of him later. I mean, we've never seen Jane get played before and it was shocking. (Although to us it was pretty obvious, random English speaker? Be careful! But he hadn't had to have his guard up in so long...)

    It's funny, you're the third person I have heard that thinks that Franklin told Jane that Fisher was FBI. I just don't think so... I mean, I dunno, maybe, I could be wrong. But I felt like that was real shock on his face when she entered the room. The way he said "Agent Fisher" he sounded disappointed in himself for not seeing it. I think it's hard for us to believe that Jane could miss something so clearly obvious to us, but it's kind of a splash of cold water reminder of how he's let his guard down these past two years.

    But who knows? What do you think the surprise will be next week? I have a feeling that it's Jane's Citroen, I bet Lisbon bought it at a police auction. I had a feeling they might fly back to CA, and then the preview came out and look at that! They are!

    I also noticed a building in the bg of one preview shot that suggested they are at California State University, which is actually right near Malibu, so... maybe she saved his house? I would think there's some precious baby pics in there he'd like to save before never returning again.

    Anyway, I came here to say, I love your writing! And totally think you got a lot of the same feelings I did about things, but you say it in an amazing way!
