This is my longer (which means more rambling review). I write this here rather than annoy everyone on twitter by pushing essays in the form of tweets. The following containers spoilers for Green Thumb and the picture below is owned by CBS and Warner Brothers.
Jane cons the FBI into allowing him to work for them under his own terms after he solves a case of a missing government contractor. Meanwhile Lisbon joins Jane in the crime solving and comes to a decision what she wants out of life.
Lisbon Takes Charge:
Daniel Cerone kind of stole my thunder here but seeing he rocks so much I'll let him. As much as this episode was about Jane getting what he wants it was also about Lisbon finally deciding what she wants out of life. Lisbon hasn't had the real chance to make many life choices on her own. Things have been just thrust upon her. It started when her mother was killed by a drunk driver and she was left to raise her brothers and care for her abusive father. She didn't choose to grow up in that environment, it happened. She took the lemons she was given and made lemonade. Greg asked her to marry him, she said yes, got scared and ran. That was her choice but it seemed like she wasn't ready to say yes, did so for Greg because he was a good guy. Even Lisbon leaving being a San Fran inspector was mostly likely driven by the fact that her supervisor, Sam Bosco, was in love with her. She took on Hannigan because no one else would. Then Patrick Jane entered the CBI door. She saw this sad, shell of a man and not by real decision but unable to turn him away she allowed him on her team and in her life. From then she was stuck with him. He closed cases, she cared a little too much, he was after Red John. The killing of Red John, the tearing down of the CBI was not something Lisbon wanted but it happened and she moved on. She made a whole pitcher of lemonades from that. I'm sure that if she could have chosen any job it wouldn't be the Chief of a small town where the biggest deal is a broken stapler.
This time though Lisbon gets to choose where she wants her destiny to be. So she decided to work with the FBI and with of course, Jane. For once in her life she choose to just be happy and Jane does make her happy (look at the smiles). Lisbon has always been looking for magic (Jolly Red Elf) and nice guy Greg wasn't the right man for her,she's too intense and particular ( So Long... and Thanks for all the Red Snapper). Whether or not Lisbon is even thinking about Jane in a romance sense right now she knows her work life will not be boring with him and that she has missed him. Life is not the same without Patrick Jane in it (as evidenced by her night reading).
The plane scene was great. Lisbon finally told Jane off to his utter hurt. (The flash cut to the slap was genius because that was what Jane felt had happened.). Lisbon has given up her life, her chance at happiness for Jane. She even did so, it appears, for two years when he wasn't even around. But she states quite clearly that she is not willing to do that anymore. With the house she had and stable career it appears Lisbon has been thinking about having what a life like that implies...with someone to come home to. Lisbon may not want to be alone anymore.
Lisbon is growing up and I don't mean that as a slap to the character. But she bought a house, started hanging with friends, and making life decisions that are good for her instead of just other people. Teresa Lisbon has changed and has begun really exploring life and what it has to offer. She knows she has feelings for Jane and she wonders if he has feelings for her (thus her lie to Kim when she started to reveal too much). Making a change to her relationship with Jane is the scariest prospect though she has ever had. Once they cross a line there is no going back, no making it a one night stand. Because she knows she needs him in her life after their two years apart. But if a relationship occurs and ends she loses him, it could devastate her. If they stay this weird, flirty closeness then she gets to keep him in her life. Now it is not Jane making decisions for them, it is Lisbon. She has to choose whether or not to give Jane a romantic chance and if she is ready for the consequences.
Sock it to ya:
The last scene of this episode is very sweet. Lisbon has never ever sat on Jane's bed before and now twice in the same ep she has. The only person to sit near Jane while he laid down was Erika and that was before Jane pulled his con over her. Once again this shows the change in Lisbon and the shifting change of their relationship. There are less walls up and more comfortableness. Lisbon has a purse too which she never had at the CBI. Jane reveals all to Lisbon and instead of her shock and dismay she is happy that he fooled the FBI! They are much more equal partners now. The socks as a gift were great. Lisbon is one that has never been seen giving gifts to her colleagues. She's the non socializer, anti hugger. Now she gives Jane a gift of something he really needs- socks. It was as if she had given him the world. The look on Jane's face was so full of joy. He loved his socks and loved that Lisbon was the one to give them to him. That might be the most shocked Jane has ever been. The gift guesser had no clue and for once Lisbon fooled him.
Defiance and Abel, Jane and Angela and Jane and Lisbon:
Defiance gave up her family for love, for Abel. Angela did this for Jane. Lisbon has given up so much for Jane and now even relocates to Austin. Abel is a hothead, genius, that is so smart but can make dumb mistakes. That is mostly Jane except less violent unless it involves Red John. Abel loves Defiance because she sees the real him. Angela saw the real Jane and loved him for it. Lisbon knows who Jane is but still chooses to work with him. A lot of nice parallels going on in the episode.
Other Things:
-Austin, TX is neutral ground for both Jane and Lisbon. They have left their pasts behind to start their futures.
-Got to give Kim credit. Cho bashed her in front of her agents and she agreed with him and then later on asked for Cho's advice telling him her concerns. She also was apologetic with Lisbon for getting too personal. But it makes sense why would you give up everything for one person if you have never even been involved with them? Kim is sort of Hightower, Sophie and Lisbon season 1 all rolled together.
-Jane always has a plan. He didn't know at first but thanks to Franklin did figure out Kim was FBI. Thus his calling her on the fact that she let hims see the real her in paradise. Three months of having a prettier attic was worth it to get all his demands met.
-Just a bravo to the acting on this show. From Matt Gossen and Joe Adler bringing the hilarity to Rockmond Dunbar's nearly not suppressed rage at Jane, we got so much from these actors. Emily Swallow did a great job of showing a different side to Kim and her displeasure at wearing a mask at work. Tim Kang, of course, was hilarious with Adler's Wiley. Simon Baker showed happy Jane (golly I wondered if we would ever see him) with great scenes of hurt, excitement, total "I schooled ya". It was nice to see new layers and even more facial expressions (Baker is a master at them and he is just a brilliant actor). The cool delight was seeing Robin Tunney play a Lisbon that has lived for two years on her own, a Lisbon who has changed. She took the same character and transformed her. Tunney doesn't get enough credit for her performance because she is the master of making everything look natural. Never once do you think she is acting which is what every actor works to achieve. So it was wonderfully fun to see this new Lisbon blossoming in front of us. I loved that Jane called Lisbon on the high voice (the lying voice). For six years Tunney has used that same voice to let the audience know when Lisbon was lying (go watch old eps and you'll see). That is amazing to know your character so well and create specific traits for them that you use for years.
Next week there is no new show. I may do some blogs over the holiday season though.
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